selama banyak hari bahasa Inggris
- selama: during; for; in the course of; by; duration;
- banyak: a great deal of; a lot; a lot of; a multitude of;
- hari: day; diem; days; clarence shepard day jr.;
- selama beberapa hari: for certain days
- selama enam hari: upon the six days
- hari natal yang banyak saljunya: white christmas
- selama: during; for; in the course of; by; duration; over; time; patch; note value; spell; continuance; piece; as long as; time value; while; length; term; value
- banyak: a great deal of; a lot; a lot of; a multitude of; a pack of; abound; abundance; abundant; bags of; great deal; many; much; nose a few; numerous; plentiful; plenty; so many of; so much; substantial;
- banyak-banyak: handsomely; liberally
- selama hidup: along life
- selama ini: all this time; up till now
- selama seabad: over a century
- selama sebulan: in a calendar month
- selama seminggu: during the week
- selama sepekan: weeklong